Jumat, 03 Mei 2024


 Semua orang harus nunduk sama kamu.
 Si penguasa. Si pemenang.
Nggak ada yang bisa melawan kamu dan uangmu.
Uangmu yang banyak itu.

Bikin yang tua tunduk,
Yang dihormat tunduk,
Yang dimaklum tunduk,
Yang seharusnya tidak tunduk, tunduk.

Uang bikin orang nunduk sama kamu.
Selamat ya, kamu kebanyakan uang.
Bisa melakukan segalanya, sekalipun melanggar perintah agama Islam.
Bertindak sesukanya, tanpa memikirkan dampak.

Yang ngingetin kamu shalat, kalo bukan aku siapa?
Yang ngingetin kamu supaya jangan makan banyak karena kamu sudah obesitas, kalo bukan aku siapa?
Yang bangunin kamu kerja, nyuruh kamu ngaji, gendong anak (walaupun kamu nggak mau), nyuapin anak (walaupun kamu nolak), mandiin anak (1x selama 14 bulan), quality time sama anak (karena kamu fokus dengan uangmu), minta maaf kalo salah, nyiapin sahur, nyiapin buka puasa, PIJITIN KAMU SETIAP HARI, ngingetin kamu supaya rajin minum Amlodipine, minum obat sesuai dosis, charge hp kamu setiap pagi supaya bangun pagi kamu full battery, NYETIRIN KAMU KEMANAPUN KAMU MAU PERGI, nungguin kamu ngobrol sama temen-temen kamu, nyalain air untuk kamu mandi, cuciin kaki kamu setiap pulang kerja, siapin makan, lauknya, minumnya, kopinya, tehnya, jahenya, berhubungan badan padahal baru beres keramas, mandi tengah malem, NGGAK PUAS, rapihin semua nota bisnis kamu yang segunung itu dengan tangan aku sendirian (ngeaudit sendirian), physical touch duluan ke kamu soalnya kamu nggak gitu ke aku.

Aku nggak ngeluh.
Aku lakuin rutinitas dengan senang hati.

Tapi bisa nggak, nggak sambil ngebentak?

Aku paling nggak suka dibentak kalo aku ngasih tau hal baik dengan baik-baik.

"Kalo lagi sama aku, please yah jangan liatin cewek cantik rambut pirang langsing kurus di depan aku. Kalo lagi di tempat kerja, atau nggak lagi sama aku, sok aja aku nggak larang. Aku suka insecure soalnya."

Oke tai.

"Yuk Isya dulu. Mau sendiri-sendiri wae atau berjamaah?"
"Nggak dulu deh, aku capek banget sakit badan aku meriang panas dingin lemes ngantuk."

"Udah 24 hari nggak shalat, perjanjian kita kan 21 hari. Ini udah kelebihan."
"Ya nanti."

"Aku nggak ada waktu buat shalat Jumat. Aku sibuk."

"Goblok banget dih yang gitu aja dipermasalahin. Aku ngeliat juga enggak! Mana cewek mana! Tai lah!

"Kamu mah apa-apa teh aku harus sumpah demi Allah wae! Nggak percayaan banget sama aku!"

"Diperiksa aja terus hp aku! Padahal ini teh privasi!"

"Terus aku harus gimana kalo kamu nangis? Da kamu mah kan cengeng."

"Ya kamu diem, ya aku diem juga hahahaha."

"Gimana kamu aja lah terserah!"


"Jelek kamu kayak gitu, mending gini."

"Yang, kamu ke salon gih, rambutnya diblonde gitu. Aku yang bayar ya."

"Akunya jelek, jangan posting yang itu. Kamu aja kolaborasi sendiri, aku nggak mau. Jangan tag aku."

"Aku beliin kamu iPhone, tapi syaratnya, jangan nanya, "Kamu sayang aku nggak kamu sayang aku nggak?" Berisik tau ditanya kayak gitu wae. Risih."

"Jangan pake rok. Pake celana aja."

"Perasaan aku? Biasa aja. Kenapa emang?"

"Semua aku anggap biasa aja sih. Nggak ada yang spesial."

"Biasa semua."

Selasa, 09 April 2019

My 100 Reasons to Stay Alive

(Updated November 23rd 2022)

1.        Work with a good salary. (belum)
2.        Getting paid from my dream job, at least one of them: dubber, rapper (belum)
3.        I have to keep my health. The only reason to live my life is, I have to stay healthy, and I’m doing this now.
4.        Travel around the world. Or at least three of them: Mecca, Greece, Los Angeles, Maldives, Seoul, Seattle. (belum)
5.        Marry someone I love so much, and he loves me so much. 
6.        If I’m getting married, I would like to own a house with my husband.
7.        Getting married, first and last. The one and only husband. I try my best to avoid divorce since I have a phobia with divorcement. (Nggak tau)
8.        Have a beautiful wedding with white-long wedding dress.
9.        Honeymoon to Greece. Greece is always a good idea for honeymoon and making love. (Belum)
10.     Having children. If a boy, named Percy. If a girl, I still have no idea with the name. But ofcourse with D initial. (BATAL)
11.     Having children with 5 words-name. Because it’s rare. And I want them to remember how beautiful their long names even if it’s difficult for them to remember. (BATAL)
12.     Give my strength, my love, my heart, my mind, my body, my soul AND MY BEST to my child(ren). (belum)
13.     Educate my child(ren) such as: yelling, advising, hugging, teaching, etc. (belum)
14.     Quality time with my little family is always happy. (belum)
15.     Less fighting, more loving. That’s family. 
16.     Understanding my child(ren) with all I have. (belum)
17.     I want to be known as an understanding mom, beautiful mom, amazing mom, careful mom, happy mom, smart mom, and sexy mom from my child(ren). (belum)
18.     Go to trip, holiday, vacation with my the one and only love husband and my child(ren). (belum)
19.     Dressing my family like Greek gods and goddesses. (BATAL)
20.     Dressing my child(ren) like panda, bear, elephant, and dino. Or panda. Just panda. (belum)
21.     Having beautiful, handsome, kind, honest, humble son-in-law/daughter-in-law. (belum)
22.     Having grandchildrens with happy faces running on the backyard. (belum)
23.     If I’m not getting married, I would buy myself a house and live alone happily until I die. (BATAL)
24.     Buy myself a car.
25.     Live alone in the apartment or a house. (BATAL)
26.     To take a master degree of English Literature again. I don’t know why but I like my major so much. (belum)
27.     Maybe I ever think about, live in South Korea or America. Because I like their cultures. So different from here. (BATAL)
28.     Try my career at YouTube or Instagram or Twitter.(belum)
29.     Meet my idol. At least all of them. Yes. At least all of them: #1 Tom Hiddleston, #2Huang Zi Tao, #3 Park Seung Jun/KNK, #4 Andrea Dovizioso (belum)
30.     Dress like a Greek’s goddesses.
31.     Do something beautiful for my 26th birthday (at April 26th) because I like 26 so much. (BATAL. My 26th birthday was not that beautiful)
32.     Have the ability just like superheroes. It’s impossible, but, in the future, nothing is impossible, right? (Me: Ability like The Flash. Maybe because I have ever dreamt about being fast like the Flash—that was a weird dream, tho) (belum)
33.     Watch MotoGP in Mandalika, Lombok, 2021. (BATAL: because of pregnant)
34.     Having sex.
35.     Meet Mr. Joko Widodo. (belum)
36.     Become famous. I don’t know how but I think I can do that even it is hard. (belum)
37.     Slim. I want slim. Because I’m fat. (belum)
38.     Rich. I need to be rich. I hope it is at 26. Because I wrote this at March 26th and this number is 26. 26 is always be my lucky number and it should be. Aamiin! I plan, Allah decide. I plan, Allah decide. (nggak kaya di umur 26)
39.     Die old. Die in peace. (belum)
40.     Watch South Korean idol’s concert(s). At least once in my life. (belum)
41.     Wear a miniskirt for hangout. (belum)
42.     Go to the beach, because I haven’t see the ocean yet in my entire life goddamnit bro. (BALI 2021)
43.     Have my own song. Maybe rap song. Made by myself, about myself. (belum)
44.     Become a superhero at least for one person. (belum)
45.     Try any haircuts with any color if I had a chance—if my hair’s strong enough to do that. (belum)
46.     Listening and jamming my favorite song in my own car and enjoy the traffic when going to work.
47.     Maybe sometimes, I always think I want to be a president or at least mayor. (nggak mau, males)
48.     Buy everything I want with no hesitate. (masih belum)
49.     Involved in a movie. I’m not bad at acting. Instead, I’m quite good. (belum)
50.     Create and launch my own novel. (belum)
51.     To be known by people. Because I don’t wanna fame that bad, I like what I do, I do what I like. (belum)
52.     Buy my family what they want with my own money.
53.     Make my family happy even without money. Someone said, “Stop making other people happy.” That’s definitely wrong because no one would never do that to their family.
54.     I don’t stay alive to make my exes jealous. I like being me.
55.     I don’t care what haters gonna talk everything behind me, I like being me. (I do still care)
56.     I want to speak in Korean and Thai fluently. (belum)
57.     Being interviewed on media. (belum)
58.     Have at least one achievement to make Indonesia proud of/caused by me. (belum)
59.     Have a long hair reach to the knee. (belum)
60.     Getting a photoshoot.
61.     People know me as a cheerful and happy Diva.
62.     To help people with a lack of job, money, sad, mourned, wounded, troubled, and difficulty. (belum)
63.     Rich. (belum)
64.     Get drunk. (belum)
65.     Have at least one eternity bestfriend.
66.     I want to dance in at least one song (full from the beginning to end) because I would never done that. Dance is so hard for me. (belum)
67.     Back to 50kg. (belum)
68.     To make my parents, family, friends proud of me. (nggak tau)
69.     Because I don’t want to die soon.
70.     To live in the right path, and to break the rules.
71.     Cosplay to Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Shazam I don’t care I just want to. (belum)
72.     Have a house outside Bandung. (belum)
73.     Meet Panda. Omg. The one and only animal that I like. (belum)
74.     Up to 180cm even I can’t afford that, I just want to write it down here. (BATAL)
75.     Wear a dental braces maybe? (belum)
76.     Harry Potter theme park should be on my first trip list if I’m going to rich. (belum)
77.     Change my hair color to blonde or gray. Full. Yes, full. (belum)
78.     Be a boss even/at least for one person. Maybe for my child(ren) XD. (belum)
79.     Burj Khalifa, please! OMG. (belum)
80.     Because I want to see snow. Touch them, sleep on them, eat them, having fun with them. (belum)
81.     Dancing in the rain. (belum)
82.     Wearing contact-lense. Or not maybe. I’m just too scared. (WEDDING MARCH 2022)
83.     Swimming like a mermaid. I’m so fucking bad at swim. Literally. I got worst grade at swim when I was in high school. That’s embarrassing.
84.     Read someone’s mind. (belum)
85.     Teleportation. The only super power that I wish to have. (belum)
86.     Fly. It’s not a super power. Going on a plane is a fly. So yeah. I want to fly sometimes. I want to feel it. (belum)
87.     Meet my another six twins in the world. (belum)
88.     Meet my me when I was baby. That’s crazy yes I know. Or gross at a same time. (belum)
89.     I want to have a Bugatti Veyron :) Oh, Allah… I want to buy one. (belum)
90.     I like earrings. I want to collect all of them. I want to be an earrings collector.
91.     I wish superheroes was real. I wish there is someone like a superhero and have a super power. I want that to be me. (belum)
92.     I want something kinda fantasy, to be real in our life.
93.     Go to someone’s party and go home so late.(belum)
94.     I want to vacuum my house to the details like crazy.(belum)
95.     I want peace everywhere.(belum)
96.     Getting my nails polished. Hahaha.(belum)
97.     I want to be old. With a gray hair, wrinkled face. I want to experience that.(belum)
98.     I still have a lot of sins, I need to stay alive to be a better person in the future.
99.     I have to thank to Allah everyday, so I have to stay alive, right?
100.  I don’t stay alive just to make my enemies happy. I live my life happily with my own way.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

100 Reasons Why We Love Marvel Movies

1.        Those time order phases.
2.        Never go ome after the first after credit.
3.        Marvel’s theme song: fans official anthem.
4.        Captain Marvel.
5.        Hard-to-kill super villains.
6.        Never forget Fantastic Four and X-Men.
7.        Comedy, hilarious, fun, jokes, laugh.
8.        Cool guys.
9.        The Marvel Bunch’s song is earworm.
10.     We need Black Widow solo movie.
11.     The best part of Hulk is when you realized that the computer effect is so good so you can notice that Mark Ruffalo’s face is as similar as Hulk.
12.     Besides guarding the galaxy, Marvel’s superheroes should guarding the earth too.
13.     Hawkeye solo movie maybe? Or another story of Hulk played by Mark Ruffalo, please…
14.     Different universe different stories.
15.     Marvel studios.
16.     The theme song of Marvel is earworm.
17.     Marvel’s movies’ BTS and bloopers.
18.     Cable v Thanos.
19.     Eccentric Deadpool.

20.     Thanos so cool.
21.     Avengers.
22.     Invite Loki to join Avengers.
23.     Why Thor and Gamora have the same blue siblings?
24.     Is Thanos that incredible?
25.     Power stone, space stone, reality stone, soul stone, time stone, mind stone.
26.     Anthony and Joe Russo.
27.     Steve Rogers copied Thor’s new beard cut.
28.     Natasha Romanoff <3 Bruce Banner.
29.     Thanos with the power of the moon.
30.     New crush: Josh Brolin.
31.     The badass Scarlett Witch.
32.     You can see Thanos as pink guy and purple guy.
33.     Admit it, you had notice the voice of Jarvis and the actor of Vision is the same person.
34.     Ant-Man or giant-man?
35.     Please... Just... Don’t... Disintegrate...
36.     Scarlett Johansson is hot.
37.     Where are you come from, Thanos?
38.     Thanos, if you do not want to die, then you don’t have to make half of Avengers die. You kill us too.
39.     Black Panther. Black Widow.
40.     Hulk, welcome strongest Avenger.
41.     Falcon and War Machine.
42.     Dear Marvel, don’t let our Avengers die. Thank you.
43.     We are waiting for Avengers 4, make it 100, please.
44.     Avengers heroes save earth, galaxies, and universe.

45.     Wakanda forever.
46.     Vibranium.
47.     Sibling goals.
48.     Admit it, you have tried to find the location Wakanda, don’t you?
49.     King.
50.     Culture, ancient, and modern.

51.     Captain America’s new beard.
52.     Imagine that you and your best friend fought and lived for 70 years together.
53.     What is the ability of Captain America except handsome?
54.     World War II Hero then turns to superhero of America.
55.     Captain America, better captain of my heart.

56.     Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong.
57.     Do you like Dr Strange’s heavy voice?
58.     Oh, so you know the mystic art, then?
59.     Admit it, you wish to have a flying cloak like Dr Strange had, don’t you?
60.     His ‘made-up’ name.
61.     So there’s different between teleportation and mystic art.

62.     You cannot love Avengers without including Guardians of the Galaxy.
63.     Star-Lord is fat. You can see his belly getting fat.
64.     I am Groot.
65.     The invisible Drax.
66.     We can see a treasure talent from Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon.
67.     Glad they found Mantis. She’s hilarious. Lucky Drax.
68.     In the end, you will find that this is also sister sibling goals.
69.     The love sad story of Gamora and Star-Lord.

70.     Iron Man the leader.
71.     Iron Man: The First Avenger.
72.     Tony Stark as sugar daddy.
73.     Robert Downey Jr is old, but he is awesome af.
74.     Happy, I need you.
75.     Tony wears his pants super tight.
76.     Congratulations on your marriage… Soon.
77.     Still cool with glasses and without.
78.     The main center of laugh from among the heroes.

79.     Tobey Maguire à Andrew Garfield à Tom Holland.
80.     People have to love Venom without Spiderman.
81.     Spiderman the spoiler.
82.     That’s why Spiderman has its own verse. Too many movies of Spiderman solo movies.
83.     Spiderman, with the taste of technology.
84.     Spider-verse.
85.     The new May Parker is hot.
86.     Mary Jane Watson. Gwen Stacey. Liz Allan.

87.     Thor’s new haircut as an accident. Cool accident.
88.     Ragnarok.
89.     Taika Waititi.
90.     The mood in already missed Asgard.
91.     Hela sick.
92.     Thor Odinson: King of Asgard.
93.     Do we really have to say a real good bye to Loki, then?
94.     Hela’s hair is useless.
95.     Even Thor is a god of Thunder, we do really like him with his hammer.
96.     Brother goals.
97.     Get help.
98.     You have to accept the reality that Loki is not a hero but he did much best effort in his life.
99.     Loki; god of handsome and cool.
100.  Tom Hiddleston’s British accent.