Minggu, 13 November 2016

When You're Having a Bad Day and Find These Quotes

“Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it’s too late. Say what you’re feeling. Waiting is a mistake.”
“Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming.”
“We stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant everything.” –Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You.
“You can’t change what has already happened, so don’t waste your time thinking about it. Move on, let go, and get over it.”

“When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future.”
“I’m sorry I cannot ever make you understand what is happening inside of my head, I cannot make myself understand either.” –zdquotes.
“I’m not good at expressing my feelings, so I keep everything bottled inside. Half the time, I want to tell someone what I’m feeling, but I don’t even know how to describe it. So I stay quiet.”
“Stop setting yourself on fire for people who will sit there and what you burn.”

“Cause you never think that the lasti time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don’t.”
“If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself.” –Nikita Gill (via noticingneverland)
“Better alone than badly accompanied.”
“I admire people who choose to shine even after all the storms they’ve been through.”
“Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they’ll notice. If they don’t, you know where you stand.”

“You’re a work of art. Not everyone will understand you, but the ones who do, will never forget about you.”
“After someone hurts you, you’re not the same anymore.”
“6 keys to a relationship: friendship, freedom, honesty, trust, understanding, and communication.”
“People can be so quiet about their paint, that you forget they are hurting. That is why it is so important to always be kind.”

“Sometimes all you have to do is forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.” –(Via California-luxe)
“I just have this happy personality and a sad soul in one body. It feels weird sometimes.” –(Via schreaming)
“Maybe this happy ending doesn’t include a wonderful guy. Maybe it’s you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on.”
“I don’t trust words anymore. I only trust actions. People can pretend to do a lot without being serious about it.”

“I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person. –Oscar Wilde.
“Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war.”
“Some people are born with tornadoes in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. Other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea.” –Nikita Gill, Perspectives.
“If the grass looks greener on the other side, stop staring, comparing, and complaining, and start watering the grass you’re standing on.”

“He was fire and I was water and he blamed me for ruining him.”
“Breathe. You’re going to be okay. This pain you feel is going to pass. Maybe not this moment or today or tomorrow, but sometimes sooh. The hurt will fade. Don’t give up before things get better. You may be wounded, but you aren’t broken. You can and will heal.”
“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one.”
“Sometimes, you’re all you have.”

“You wake up every morning to fight the same demonst that left you so tired the night before, and that, my love, is bravery.”
“There are things that have to be forgotten if you want to go on living.” – Jim Thompson, The Killer Inside Me.
“I knew that looking back on the tears would make me laugh but I never knew that looking back on the laughs would bring tears.”
“I’m the type of person who enjoys being alone. I like to walk home alone with my music. I like to stay home on one Friday nights. I just like quiet and time to myself. But I don’t like being alone for a long time. I don’t like being alone long enough for and thoughts to take over. I guess that I’m saying is that I like being alone, but I hate being alonely.”

“Don’t confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am. My attitude depends on who you are.” – Frank Ocean.
“Never think you’re nothing. Never cry at night over not being pretty enough. Never tell yourself you’ll never be good enough. Because to someone, you’re everything. To someone, you’re gorgeous. To someone, you are the world.”
“If you break someone’s heart and they still talk to you with the same excitement and respect. Believe me, they really love me.”
“Remember that you were art long before he came to admire you, and you’ll continue to be art even when he’s gone.”

“Anyone who takes the time to be kind is beautiful.”
“Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look like.”
“Words that come from the heart are never spoken, they get caught in the throat and can only be read in one’s eyes.”
“Anxiety is the most silently painful experience. It makes no sense and you sit there alone and suffer for a unknown reason. You can’t explain it. You can’t stop it. It is horrible.”

Credit: to them who’ve said. Yeah.

Jumat, 10 Juni 2016

Jangan dibaca kalo kamu lagi ga kena friendzone mah. Udah diem weh.

 “Kalo ada yang deketin biasa aja nanggepinnya, jadi kita tau mana yang berjuang, mana yang cuma sekedar, “Oh kieu geuning, geusan ah.”” –Twitter: @caprukbdg.

“I like boys who are a lot taller than me, smell good, and give great hugs. So, uh, you.” –Line: The Story of Life.

“Single? Mungkin itu cara Allah menjauhkan kita dari maksiat.” –Instagram: teladan.rasul.

“Keep calm and biarkan sieta bahagia :’)” –Twitter: @caprukbdg.

Tidak apa sering sakit hati, dilupakan, ditinggalkan.  Banyak orang besar lahir dari sakit hati. 
Tidak masalah sering dihina, dicaci. Banyak orang mulia lahir dari seluruh penghinaan dan cacian.
Pastikan saja, kita selalu bergerak menjadi lebih baik, belajar dari sakit hati dan hinaan orang lain.” –Tere Liye.

“Cinta adalah sabar. Orang2 yang sabar akan memperoleh cinta yang istimewa.” –Tere Liye.

“Jika sesuatu itu mudah sekali datang dan pergi dalam hidup kita, maka itu simply memang bukan hal spesial. Termasuk seseorang, jika dia mudah sekali memutuskan datang dan pergi, kitanya yang lugu sekali jika tetap berpikir itu spesial.” –Tere Liye.

Segala sesuatu yang ditakdirkan bersama, maka apapun yang mencegahnya, dia akan menemukan jalan untuk menyatu.
Pun sebaliknya, sesuatu yang tidak ditakdirkan bersama, maka apapun yang kita lakukan, dia tidak akan pernah menyatu.” – Tere Liye.

“Lepaskanlah, maka semoga yang lebih baik akan datang. Lepaskanlah, maka semoga suasana hati akan lebih ringan.” –Tere Liye.

“Should I smile because we’re friends? Or should I cry because that’s the only thing we can ever be?”

“Friendzone adalah cape-cape ngasih lampu ijo ke gebetan, eh dia buta warna.”

“Hati-hati, friendly dan flirty itu beda tipis.”

“My biggest mistake wasn’t falling for you, but it was thinking that you had fallen for me too.”

“I’m stuck in friendzone.”

“Kalo ga bisa bersama, jangan bikin nyaman dan terbiasa.”

“PDKT = Pernah Deket Kemudian Temenanaja.”

“Pergi bareng, makan bareng, dijemput, boncengan, diperhatiin, curhat bareng, ketawa bareng tapi sayang friendzone.”

“Girls get friend-zoned too. It hurts them just as much as it hurts you.”
“Sampai nanti pada saatnya kaki melangkah, jangankan untuk berbalik, menengokpun takkan pernah.”

“Tetaplah disitu, aku takkan mengganggumu. Diam saja. kita cukup saling memperhatikan, dan pelan-pelan saling melupakan.”

“Ketika perasaan lo ke doi lebih dari temen tapi, doi lo nganggep lo sebagai sahabat.”

“Jangan mencari pasangan yang berjanji tidak akan pernah menyakiti kita. Karena itu impossible. Semua orang selalu berubah, dan besok lusa bisa saja menyakiti.
Tapi carilah pasangan yang bersedia: apapun situasi menyakitkan yang dihadapi, dia akan bersama kita melewatinya. Maka komitmennya akan tetap.” –Tere Liye.

“Ada orang-orang yang jatuh cinta, tapi tidak ditakdirkan bersama. Ada orang-orang yang bersama, tapi tidak jatuh cinta.
Ada pula orang-orang yang jatuh cinta, ditakdirkan bersama. Hidup ini memang begitu2 saja. 7 milyar manusia di atas bumi; tiap detik, setidaknya ada yang jatuh cinta, pun tiap detik, ada yang berpisah. Jadi, tidak perlu galau, sakit hati, sesak, toh, penulis skenario hidup kita adalah yang maha mengetahui. Dijalani saja, apapun ujungnya. Syukur2 happy ending.” –Tere Liye.

“One does not simply to escape from frienzone.”

Melepaskan dengan tulus sesuatu yg amat kita inginkan tidak selalu berarti kita lemah.
Melainkan sebaliknya, kita sangat kuat untuk membiarkan sesuatu itu pergi. Kita sangat kuat utk meyakini bahwa besok lusa, jika memang berjodoh, pasti akan kembali.” –Tere Liye.

“Meskipun pada akhirnya kita belum tentu bersama, setidaknya kita pernah tertawa bersama.”

“Sehebat apapun kata dan rasa, kalau Tuhan sudah bilang ‘tidak!’ mau apa?”

“Friendzone. Makes love complicated.”

“I Like being a strong, independent woman and to be honest, I was never afraid to be on my own.” –Dido Armostrong.

“Those who have been wounded greatly, are also who are capable of loving greatly.” –Joyce, itakeoffthemask.com

Minggu, 17 April 2016

100 Reasons Why We Love Andrea Dovizioso.

100 Reasons Why We Love Andrea Dovizioso.

1.     Handsome.
2.     The passion.
3.     The spirit.
4.     04.
5.     The gentleman and manly attitude.
6.     The smile you made.
7.     Sara Dovizioso.
8.     Dovi.
9.     Desmo Dovi.
10.   The Ducati Team.
11.   The Patient.
12.   The Humble.
13.   The Whisker you had.
14.   The Italian.
15.   Your voice when interviewed.
16.   The sweat after race.
17.   Your elbow down.
18.   Straight track you ate.
19.   The overtakes you made.
20.  We love the way you laugh.
21.   125cc World Championship 2004.
22.  Aprilia à Honda à Yamaha à Ducati.
23.  March 23rd 1986.
24.  The real Ducatian.
25.  His English – Italian accent ^o^
26.  His face that we can’t handle anymore.
27.  2008 –
28.  His eyes staring onto something.
29.  Wheeling.
30.  Overtakes Rossi was one of the best.
31.   DOV.
32.  Don’t compare him with Andrea Iannone!
33.  Good rider with no angerJ
34.  @andreadovizioso.
35.  The most second place in recent years!
We’re proud of you!
36.  Loving his wife and his daughter! What a great father!
37.  Passion and patient. He can difference those both.
38.  Forlimpopoli, Italy.
39.  Go to Suzuki right now? it’s okay!
40.  #AD04.
41.   Gigi Dall’igna proud of you!
42.  Never see your wife it’s okay.
43.  Love the colour of your eyes.
44.  Our anniversary: April 20th 2015.
The first time I fell in love with him.
45.  Let me see your eyes in a closer way.
46.  We respect you and your family J
47.  We are very okay with you and your family J as long as you do a great job in the circuit, all is well.
48.  Desmosedici GP15 and GP16 fitted on you.
49.  The man in Ducati’s uniform.
50.  You and Ducati are unbreakable.
51.   Dovi04.
52.  Cornering style~
53.  Spirit never ends.
54.  Dat nose.
55.  Dat butt when it turns on, on the camera.
56.  When camera on board is on to you,
The world is all about you.
57.  Always getting a great with any riders after the race.
58.  You seems friendly.
59.  Great husband, great father. We know it!
60.  The eyebrows!
61.   Go to the podium and let me see your face.
62.  Lorenzo come here? It’s okay. He’ll go to Suzuki.
63.  Valentine Rossi is a great friend.
64.  His handsome makes your eyes warm and fresh.
65.  His spirit may makes everybody’s dying.
66.  Him – Stoner – Marquez – Pedrosa.
They sat together. Isn’t it sweet?
67.  167cm.
68.  Not good in side to side. It’s okay.
69.  We are really understand you.
70.  Upload the photo of you and Sara more often, please!
71.   Why you grow a mustache?
72.  Say something in English they say.
Keep Italian they say.
73.  I wish the umbrella girl with Andrea Dovizioso, were me.
74.  Your serious face before the race.
75.  Bad qualification? It’s okay.
We still love you anyway.
76.  You seems like somebody that I used to know from nowhere place.
77.  We observe your eyelashes.
78.  MotoGP World Championship 2016? You’re not afraid!
79.  Nobody can drag him down.
80.  He’s very good in wet track.
81.   Iannone always behind him. He’s the good one.
82.  How to chase?
83.  Stand-wheeling. The most favorite one.
84.  Love all the pictures in Qatar with no reason~ yeah~
85.  1 à 2 à 3 à 04.
86.  1986 never bothers me.
87.  It’s okay you already have a daughter before 30.
88.  We know your capability.
89.  Your skill should be increased.
90.  Are you having an afraid of something in the circuit?
You seems scary to chase and beat them all.
91.   He’s the best with luck or no luck.
92.  The tired face.
93.  Let’s change the hair style!
94.  His body makes us dying inside.
95.  Desmo Dovi – Desmosedici.
I see no differences.
96.  My EST’s 1996, and you’re 1986.
I’m single and you have a family.
I don’t care I love you.
97.  Let’s kick, Marc Marquez Alenta!
98.  “Never give up!” is the motivation.
99.  His bike loves him.
100.                He deserves million fans.

Jumat, 01 Januari 2016

Aku Disenggol.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Sebenernya pengen cerita kalo aku disenggol sama mobil waktu pulang dari ngampus ngumpulin tugas pak Ujang sama pak Irman (tugas pak Irman mah malah dibalikkin lagi) ceileh disenggol kaya Dangdut Academy.
Motornya jatuh tapi aku ga jatuh. Aku udah jatuh dari motor 2x selama 19 tahun bernafas. Pertama jatoh di depan gerbang Parakan (2015) (pertama kali aku naik motor 2008, waktu masih kelas 6 SD, dan baru jatuh pertama kali dari motor pada tahun 2015, 7 tahun aku ga pernah jatoh dari motor) disitu banyak pasir dan aku lagi mikirin pengen pempek kalo ga salah tapi motornya jatoh akunya sih ga jatoh dan posisi berdiri. Lalu yang kedua ini disenggol pria bermobil yang tak tanggung jawab, motor aku yang jatoh tapi akunya ga jatoh, akunya posisinya berdiri. Keren ga sih? Aku punya refleks yang bagus kan? Ketika motorku jatuh, akunya sigap dan nyelametin diri aku sendiri supaya aku ga jatuh. Keren kan? Apa jangan-jangan selama ini aku adalah jelmaan Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Selamat libur semuanyaaa!!! Selamat tahun baru!!! Selamat 360 of 365!!! Maapin kalo jarang update blog karena tugasnya segunung!!!
Ga ada yang mau diomongin sih sebenernya mah, pengen ngerevisi taun 2015 ini, eh bukan revisi tjoy, tapi review. Salah ya typo. Inget revisi mulu sih soalnya idup dunia ini adalah penuh revisi.
Yang diinget dari tahun 2015 ini aku punya iPhone waktu bulan Februari haqhaqhaq. Terus ulang tahun aku dirayain sekeluarga besar semuanya dateng!!! Wohoooo!!! Terus tahun ini aku liburan 3 bulan rasanya ngebangke tapi bahagia banget soalnya tangan aku yang semula kaya zebra cross (belang-belang karna pengendara motor) jadi kembali lagi warna tanganku jadi ijo. Hehehe. Ya putih lah gila gua kan snowman. Show white snow white…
Tapi sekarang… detik ini… setelah aku menjalani penatnya semester 3… kuliah siang di musim panas awal September beserta Oktober (November peralihan musim panas ke musim hujan) tangan aku kembali belang lagi… apa ini yang dinamakan keseimbangan Yin dan Yang?
Pagi ini aku lagi di depan laptop, ada 2 tugas lagi yang menunggu aku yaitu tugas pak Irman harus bikin laporan 10 lembar sama tugas Filsafat yang makalah study tour itu, tapi dua-duanya belum dikerjain soalnya aku lagi ngedownload lagu Korea soalnya aku waktu itu udah ngisi kuota karna sekarang aku mau jadi wanita bergelimangan kuota.
Semester 3 ini? Hmm… biar alay jangan hmm… Tapi hmmphz…
Semester 3 ini gatau kenapa jadi lebih semangat aja, soalnya jam mata kuliahnya enak banget ga ada yang harus nunggu atau nganggur. Senin itu dari 07.00-12.00 entar nyambung lagi 16.00-17.40 ya kalo senin emang agak ripuh sih tapi bisa pulang dulu buat mamam ama mimi cucu. Terus selasa cuma 1, 10.20-12.00 aja. terus rabu 08.40-12.00 enak kan? Terus kamis 10.20-16.00, terus jumat 13.00-16.00. enak kan? Jadi makanya aku semangat. Agak beda sama yang semester 2 (aku udah lupa pelajarannya apa aja dan jam berapa aja itu semua) semester 2 agak ribet yang tidak memungkinkan kalo aku bisa pulang dulu atau malah diem di kampus. Paling malesnya itu diem di kampusnya nunggu next mata kuliah, kalo yang ngekos bisa pulang ke kosan, kalo yang rumahnya jauh kaya aku di Uruguay kan agak ribet. Jadi aku teh kalo gitu suka diem dulu di kampus, kalo ga di zb (sekarang namanya gedung V biar ketje) ya di perpus. Bukan masalah buang waktu sih, yang namanya mahasiswa mah hidupnya juga kalo ga buang-buang duit ya buang-buang waktu (sama buang-buang kuota, tapi aku mah buang-buang mantan). Ga masalah aku mah, ngan aku teh (Setengah dari semester 3 itu masih Introvert; setelah ikut duta bahasa aku keluar dari Introvert dan posisi aku di tengah-tengah antara Introvert dan Ambivert) masih introvert saat itu jadi kalo diem-diem di kampus ga ngomongin apa-apa ngomongin batur, jajan, ngobrol sama adeline dan segala rupanya itu teh menghabiskan ‘energi’ banget.
Yang gatau ‘energi’ gapake kutip, coba ketemuan sama google terus cari.
Oh iya, aku semester 3 ini ikutan duta bahasa ya? Iya tau da aku mah ga menang biasa we atuh tjoy kalem!
Tapi apa cik aku saat duta bahasa? Aku NGERAP TAOOOOOOO!!!
Aku pengen naro fotonya disini tapi takut ga kebuka geura fotonya teh bangke. Tapi ada ko fotonya aku ngerap auekdjgkhgkdjgkdgkdjg I’m so happy. Dan atmosphere aula lama begitu mencintaiku asjfhsjfskjfks kapan aku jadi rapper wanita terbaik di Indonesia (dreaming)
Terus apalagi ya yang menarik di semester 3… mungkin hujan kali ya. Aku selalu suka hujan di pagi hari… aku selalu suka hujan di siang hari… aku selalu suka hujan di sore hari… aku selalu suka hujan di malam hari… aku suka hujan!!!
Paling udah sih itu aja di tahun 2015, kalo keluarga Alhamdulillah sih adem ayem aja, ya cekcok masalah duit jajan atau masalah kuota internet mah sepertinya lumrah ya. Sekarang lagi pengen beli banyak dvd korea buat persediaan libur, udah target teh Orange Marmalade, Healer, dan lain lain lah.
Udah ya? Gausah bahas apa-apa lagi, (aku juga tau kalian pasti mengharapkan aku ngebahas masalah tuut geura ih gamau deh huahaha)
Masalah tuut teh masalah cinta ai kamu :-( tapi aku gamau ngebahas cinta-cintaan ah geuleuh paklop.
Dadah!!! Maap ya kalo aku baru update blog lagi!!!^^ selamat liburan semua pembaca-pembacakuh!!! Laff.